We don't really want to pay the price the Universe is asking us as a proof ... that we really want that  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru






We say ... i want that and that ... and that ... and that.

I understand that ... most probably not everyone can be a writer ... but ... if someone would ask us to write all our desires ... most probably we could write a book about the subject.

But ... we don't do it.

And ... all those desires go into that weird box which collects all our thoughts and emotions.

We call it ... the unconscious.

Many of them ... we even forget.

Today ... we want that.

Tomorrow ... another thing.

The day after tomorrow ... also ... something else.

And more i analyse ... more i understand that the human being is like a machine ... manufacturing new and new desires.

... which into the end, somehow it's ridiculous.

So ... we allow ourselves to dream.

To chase ... for lots of things.


... to have an infinite list of desires.

But ... you see ... we don't really realise the impact of all ... on us.

We can't see ... how the intensity of our unhappiness is increasing ... day by day.

And ... they are so, so many days when we wake up sad, annoyed, frustrated ... living into a cocktail of lots of negative emotions ... but having no idea why.

Well ... the unconscious becomes dominant and we don't even realise it ... but the moment when we feel it ... it's already too late.

That side of us ... which allowed us to dream ... to hope ... to chase ... suddenly becomes an enemy which is ruining us emotionally.

On and on ... and on.

But ... we don't really understand what we do.

No ...

We are incapable of understanding it .... because we've not became aware of the importance of knowing the psychology of the human being.

Life ... continues ....

Personally ... i keep dreaming ... but more i analyse myself ... i start to see that i pretend ... i want that or that ... or that.

Today ... i don't really want ... so many things ... because i know that the Universe is asking me to pay a price for that.

And ... i also know ... i don't really want to pay such a price.

Somehow ... i even detest i need to pay something for all that.


I feel .... I deserve all.

Even if ... i also feel that i need to accept the laws of the Universe and all the ways ... things are happening.

So ... like an idiot ... i allow my mind or my heart to dream of anything ... and the moment when the Universe is asking ... "Are you really ready to pay the price for such a desire?!" ... i just push the pause button ... and ... meditate.

The funny thing is that many times i understand that the desire itself ... might also not be my desire.

For example ... might be the unconscious expression of my envy for a close friend ... who has a certain type of car ... and i want that too.

Or ... a certain profile of woman.

Or ... a certain type of university degree.


But ...

Well ... analysing ... deeply defining … i understand i need to redefine my thoughts or feelings ... cause i just pretend i want that thing.

.... because of a stupid reason.

So ... not willing to pay the price is actually the clear evidence i don't really want that.

And ... i continue life.

Unfortunately ... still allowing myself to dream ... of lots of silly things ....



Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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