The truth about the truth … it hurts a lot … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru  



We play on the stage of life ... as good as we can ... but maybe not good enough.
And sometimes people and things hurt us a lot.
But its difficult to believe we can run through life without any problem at all.
All those things are what we can define as lessons of life.
And one day ... we realise we changed a lot.
All those things that hurt us so much into the past ... and let us be so cold inside of us ... that we cant love anymore with an opened heart.
Defined by pain generated by life ... unable to love someone at an infinite level.
But life is to short to play around like this.
The truth about the truth is that it hurts a lot to be alive, in some moments, but we can be wise enough to know that we can heal our souls with love.
Open your heart in your love story.





Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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